Jul 8, 2011

Day 8: 7 Pictures Of Your Room

so today, i'm going to show you guys 7 photos of my room. it's quite messy but, biasa lah bilik orang bujang.

as u can see, there's my bed, mirror, ermm mesin urut kaki osim, sejadah, tingkap, hahaha.

this is the almari where i simpan all my baju and seluar. ok?

this is the mirror. kat cermin tu ada pelekat doa tengok cermin. aku tampal masa darjah satu. hahaha sampai skang ada lagi.

my deodorant, solution contact lenses, perfume, jam, and that octopus thingy (i dont know the specific name of it but kalau sengal-sengal badan urut pakai tu sedap). dan untuk perhatian encik fuad, kau tertinggal gajah tu ngan gatsby kau. ish3..

ni tingkap. the one and only tingkap yang ada kat my room. sorry la langsir serabai. look, there's my towel and my shirt..

itu laptop saya. and file maroon tu adalah file sijil-sijil saya sebab kalau tengah baring, letak laptop kat dada panas. so kena cover. tu external hard disk cik meia. dan bantal biru tu najib bagi. 

so this is my bed. 3 pillows, satu selimut ngan satu bantal peluk. kat sini lah i spend 90% of my time at home. and tu dia mesin urut kaki osim saya.. sedap bila seharian penat berjalan pastu balik rumah letak kaki kat Osim iSqueez tu. hahaha. ok la itu sahaja 7 gambar bilik saya. terima kasih :)

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