Jun 14, 2011

random thought #2

today's topic is:
why on earth some people want to go back re-living their life in the past.

when a person says : aaah alangkah indahnya balik ke zaman sekolah dulu-dulu.

i'll say : indah kepala otak kau! pening aku blajo math bio physics chemistry semua tu.

so basically when a human being says that they wanna go back living their childhood life or their high school life, it means that at this particular moment, he or she is not enjoying living their current life. OR in other words, they are not happy with their current life.

for example, a typical working woman, maybe she's a teacher or a clerk and she's having a family with 5 kids. often saying that she want to go back to the past because in the past they no need to worry about the works, house chores, bills, etc. 

another example, a student, maybe a high school student or an undergraduate, keep saying that : ohhh if only i can get back to the time when i first stepped into school, i'll learn and study to the max. like hell. if and only if.

but. the reality is... time travelling is never going to be happened. WAKE UP PEOPLE! WAKE UP! time travelling is a major dream for the losers. when someone says : if you want to be successful in the future, you must learn from the past. it means that: learn from your experience. not re-living the past.

so my advice to those who are still hoping that they can go back to the past : STOP DREAMING. life's not a fairy tale. you better plan what to do for the future rather than thinking : how can i go back to the 1990's.

and to those who are damn bored right now and still don't know what to do with your life, create a tumblr account. it's fucking narnia inside there.

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