tagged by amirah 'izzah
ten random things about me
- My official name is Saiful Hakim bin Shukor. In the early ages, people used to call me Hakim. But my nickname keeps changing. Besta in SASER and Saif in UiTM.
- When I was a kid I wanted to be a teacher. An English teacher. But then, as years passed by, my ambition keeps changing. I would like to be a dermatologist, a dentist, an engineer, and a psychologist but then I realized how much I hate science-related subjects and I realized there's no life if I be one of them. So, at the end of the day I choose TESL because I love English and I do have the passion and patience to be an educator.
- I am a very last minute person. The reason why I'm saying this because I love to procrastinate things. I love to procrastinate but I always finish my assignments and tasks on time. Cool huh?
- I love to watch teen drama series such as Gossip Girl, 90210, and Glee. I hate Malay dramas because I think all of the actors are fake.
- I spent my entire childhood by wishing that I was a teenager, and how cool its would be, but then I was wrong. Now I am a teenager and it's really complicated than I have ever thought. I don't have enemies but I do have lot of people that I hate. This is not the life I want; living with some people that annoy me most of the time. But at the same time I have a lot of friends, I love you guys!! I was very touched when a friend of mine (from UiTM) said this to me : "Saif always make everybody around him happy". I felt like very appreciated of myself. Maybe some of them think that kind of way; me, always make them happy but I don't know if there is any of my friends don't feel the same way.
- I hate smart, intelligent, and genius people that love to show off without they realising it. Even though I live with them for two years,but I still don't know how to handle it. Please, it hurts. And if you think you're smart and intelligent enough, remember the others who not. Kindly please do care about our feelings. I've met many types of people. And this type of people I hate the most.
- Thanks to my friends, specifically my girl friends who think I am a very trustworthy person. I know you guys made a sort of votes on who is the most trustworthy boy in our class. One of you guys told me that. Who told me that? That's a secret I 'll never tell. For you to know is for you to find out.
- I hate people who are very unclear of themselves and who are very unclear with others which literally means, I hate myself. As for me, it's too hard to get straight up to the point because maybe I'm not brave enough to be a man. I don't know why must I have this sense of obscurity.
- I used to go to Saudi Arabia when I was 16, which means I've done all the pillars of Islam. Accepted by Him or not, it's just not us to judge. Frankly speaking, being a "Haji Muda" is a very hard task to fulfil in this life. I want to change so bad. But then, maybe I'm not strong enough in faith to be a true 'mukmin' but, believe me, although I am not a very religious person, i know the limits and boundaries, and never forget to do the basics. I never blame my friends because they just doing their natural beings, maybe it's me who is not brave enough and strong enough to face the temptations.
- I love my family. Eventhough my Dad is paralyzed half of his body, but he still can work. I love my Dad, and my Mum is the strongest woman that I ever seen. The most valuable thing I learnt from them is never forget Allah because Allah knows everything. By having a good believe in Him, other things in your life will be worked well. I don't know what will happen to me if my Dad didn't get sick and I think I will keep being the most pampered child in this world. Maybe what have been destined for me is the best of what I am now. Allah knows everything guys.
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