Oct 10, 2010

Random Thoughts

words cant bring me down.

when i first met you, i instantly dislike you, but things changed.

kadang2 tu jgn lah jadi psycho sangat. orang tak suka.

smart people make jokes which only can be understood among them.

mereka yg buat salah, bukan lah kita sepatutnya mengasingkan mereka, tetapi sebliknya kita rapatkan diri dgn mereka.sebab mereka perlu ada teman yang boleh membimbing dia, untuk lari dari kesalahan tu .

we may not be 'stars' , but at least we can shine like 'em.

how can i know if i'm fallin in love? well, if i look at you and my boneless meat hard, then you're the one. ;DD

i'm proud of being different. it's the best thing about me.

true love always springs from true hate.

life always only really has one beginning and one end.

let the past be the past. as for now, we need to look to the future.

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